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5 Awesome WordPress Search Plugins

Search plugins are essential for WordPress as well as WooCommerce stores, in order to increase the ease of searching for the readers or buyers. Read about the top 5 WordPress search plugins and enable this functionality for your website.

With a WordPress website and plenty of customers, one thing to keep an eye upon is the navigational experience. What this suggests is you should give your users the ease to trace and locate all possible features. There must not be a situation where users have to wander around to find a service. This is where you would feel the need for a search bar. The ACF plugin is one that facilitates the above.

It allows you to embed a search bar in a simple yet effective way. Form text to email, name, and number, users can add any of them to find relevant information. The plugin is lightweight and has the potential to cut short the process of locating a particular service.

Plugin 1 - ACF: Better Search - 5 Awesome WordPress Search Plugins
Plugin 1 – ACF: Better Search – 5 Awesome WordPress Search Plugins

Free Version Key Features

  • Embeds a lite mode to accelerate the pace at which search operation is performed.
  • Allows searching a single word or an entire phrase
  • Simple and user-friendly
  • Provides support for 10 different fields.

In case you have a WordPress backed online store, probably the WooCommerce website, the Advanced Woo Search plugin will help you embed a customized search bar. Using the plugin is pretty easy and all you need to do is embed the shortcode on your page and there you have a widget sitting right at the top of the page.

From product titles to tag, categories, excerpts, and content, the plugin facilitates all kinds of search operations. What makes it an excellent choice of search plugin is speed and accuracy. The plugin is supercharged with features such as WPML, WooCommerce Multilingual, Polylang, etc.

Plugin 2 - Advanced Woo Search - 5 Awesome WordPress Search Plugins
Plugin 2 – Advanced Woo Search – 5 Awesome WordPress Search Plugins

Free Version Key Features

  • Provides exceptional support with respect to google analytics
  • Simplifies the task of searching given the shortcode method
  • Embeds Smart Ordering to prioritize the manner in which results are displayed
  • Support multiple fields for Search

Looking for a versatile search plugin, an Ivory search is the one to look out for. The plugin is designed for users that are looking for a customized search bar and ivory search gives them exactly the same. Even though it is equipped with a bundle of features and facilities, installing and integrating the plugin is both simple and easy to use. What’s best about the plugin is that it allows you to place the search bar wherever you find it best. Either at the header, the footer, posts, widget area, sidebar or within the page, the plugin facilitates all

Besides offering the ease to place the bar, it also promotes searching information through a range of fields. In case you wish to exclude posts from the filter, you can do the same. Also, irrespective of the fact whether the site is password protected or not, the content is always rendered.

Plugin 3 - Ivory Search - 5 Awesome WordPress Search Plugins
Plugin 3 – Ivory Search – 5 Awesome WordPress Search Plugins

Free Version Key Features

  • Separate forms and configure them as feasible
  • Gives the freedom to place search forms anywhere you want.
  • Is flexible enough and supports third-party integration
  • Provides support for multilingual search

When it comes to the responsiveness of the search bar, the Ajax Search Lite plugin is the best bet. As evident from the name, the plugin is backed by Ajax and renders live information. It has significant animations and is compatible with mobile platforms. Installing and updating the plugin is simple and is backed by a user-friendly interface.

What makes this plugin an excellent choice for most of the users is the fact that the search operation extends to and beyond the pages and posts. What this means is that users can perform the search operation within the excerpts, custom fields, description, categories, and other fields.

Plugin 4 - Ajax Search Lite - 5 Awesome WordPress Search Plugins
Plugin 4 – Ajax Search Lite – 5 Awesome WordPress Search Plugins

Free Version Key Features

  • The plugin is vectorized and soothes the eye.
  • Embeds caching to speed up the pace at which images and other content are fed by the search bar.
  • Ensures localization with the Qtranslate and  WMPL integration
  • Color adjustments and built-in templates
  • Is compatible with Google analytics

Another excellent search plugin is the Swiftype Site Search plugin. It is an ideal search plugin and doesn’t require any coding or even technical knowledge. Not only is the plugin highly customizable but also secured and scalable. It comes with an intuitive dashboard and is equipped with all set of tools needed to customize the search bar.

The search bar embedded with the plugin facilitates automated updates ensuring the same adapts itself to any or every change made in the content. The plugin is further compatible with features such as bigram matching, synonyms, stemming, and, phrase matching. With 13+ language support, you can leverage the search analytics feature to improvise your website and increase the conversion rate.

Plugin 5 - Swiftype Site Search Plugin for WordPress - 5 Awesome WordPress Search Plugins
Plugin 5 – Swiftype Site Search Plugin for WordPress – 5 Awesome WordPress Search Plugins

Free Version Key Features

  • Multilingual support
  • Optimized to support plentiful of features
  • User-friendly dashboard promoting detailed information
  • Search analytics to know better about customer preferences and behavior


With time, advanced search functionality becomes essential for your business website or shop. Not enabling this ability means not letting your customers or readers find what they are looking for. Why would you do that when there are amazing search plugins. Use any of these.

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I am a Product Marketer and Growth hacker with expertise in Digital marketing, Search engine optimization (SEO), Email Marketing, Paid Campaigns on Facebook and Twitter, Content development strategies, and Competitive Research & Analysis. Nimesh is Product Manager at