Diving Deep to Explore New Features of WordPress 5.0

Explore the game-changing features of WordPress 5.0 and discover how they can enhance your website experience

Diving Deep to Explore New Features of WordPress 5.0 Img

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    The long wait for WordPress 5.0 is soon to be over as the latest version of WordPress is ready to roll out. Yes, we are talking about the version 5.0 of WordPress which is ready to be released. The excitement and eagerness to get started with the new features is at the peak. In past, many versions of WordPress have created such a buzz before the release, but this time it is because of the Gutenberg Editor, which is a major change that WordPress has imbibed and is soon to be used by the WordPress lovers.

    We have already talked about Gutenberg in our previous article, which you can read here. With the WordPress updated version 5.0, the way users create content will completely change.

    Change is really hard to accept and that too in your favorite platform, it is harder. But this is a necessary one. Looking at the increasing competition in the market, WordPress has to adapt to changing scenarios or it has to risk its market shares.

    Gutenberg is an audacious leap forward to transforming the way content is created up till now.

    In this article, we are going to discuss about the uniqueness of WordPress 5.0 which were not there in the previous releases. Let’s delve deeper and talk about the future!

    What is new in WordPress 5.0?

    1. Block Editor

    • The latest version of block editor has been taken from the Gutenberg Plugin. The new editor incorporates the new Format API, enhanced features and improvements and a number of bug fixes. Also, the meta boxes have been improved to give the users seamless experience to use WordPress.

    2. Speed

    • The new version of WordPress will come with enhanced speed. This will embark on a completely new journey towards making the WordPress more speedy and handy.

    3. Twenty Nineteen

    • The new theme has been introduced which will be Gutenberg ready and is a lightweight, having minimalistic look suitable for professional blogs and websites. It is responsive and users can easily customize as per their requirements.
    • The new theme repository has been an activity place, where minor bugs have been fixed and some notable additions have been done.
      • Widget area introduced in the page footer
      • Features for mobile devices : navigation sub menus added
      • Changing theme colors and filters for feature image have been added in the customize options.

    4. Internationalisation

    • Now it has become easy to register and load JavaScript translation files with the help of added support, which will be there in version 5.0 of WordPress.

    5. Security updates

    • Security has always been on top priority for the websites. Therefore, WordPress core team is always working to improve the core security. They also recommend using those hosting services which offer SSL certificates, two factor authentications etc. Well, the version 5.0 will have a set of plugins, which the users can install to caution the data breaches and fight cyber threats in efficient manner.

    6. Improvised Mobile Optimization

    • The WordPress core team has emphasized greatly on improvising the mobile experience for the WordPress users with the launch of WordPress 5.0. Keeping this in mind, the new theme Twenty Nineteen has been made fully responsive and all the previous default themes have been improved for responsiveness. This is also aimed at improving the page load speed of the default theme on mobile. This will make sure that the SERP rankings for these websites are higher as compared to other ones.

    7. Easy Image Editing

    • Previously, for resizing the images, one has to do it manually and then upload the image, which was tedious and required significant amount of time before making it live. But now, the new version of WordPress will facilitate the users with the image editing options, which will make the process quick and hassle free.

    8. Improved Default themes

    • Though WordPress has released new theme, this doesn’t stop it from improvising the older ones. The users using the default themes will get updates for Gutenberg Editor Support, which can facilitate them to use the new editor seamlessly.

    9. Other things

    • There has been couple of bug fixes and performance improvements in Rest API and PHP 7.3 compatibility has also been improved to make the developers build websites in a smooth and hassle free fashion.

    Final thoughts

    The WordPress 5.0 is ready to be released in few days. There has been a lot of buzz with mixed reactions over the release, from the WordPress users. Will WordPress legacy continue to be a pep having received mixed reactions from the community people? Or will it not be able to gain as much popularity as its predecessors?

    It is really difficult to say now. If you wish to share your opinion, comment below.

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    Nitish Kaila


    Nitish Kaila

    With over 10 years of experience in WordPress ecosystem. Nitish has developed and migrated many websites to WordPress.

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