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How to Develop Custom Gutenberg Blocks for WordPress: A Step-by-Step Guide
Everything you need to know about developing powerful, reusable, functional Gutenberg blocks for your website.
How to Scale Your WordPress Website for Increasing Traffic
Implement key strategies to effectively scale your WordPress website and handle growing traffic demands seamlessly
WordPress Contribution Guide
Why should I contribute? Before starting the contribution, the first thought in my mind is like, WHY should I contribute? So, the answer is by contributing to WordPress, you can help the whole community, you can make your WordPress profile stronger, get the knowledge of the latest technology they are using in upcoming updates, etc. […]
Articles by this Author
Christmas Celebration 2013
Relive the joy and festivities of our 2013 Christmas celebration, filled with laughter and holiday spirit
Celebration of Love, Happiness and Respect – Diwali 2013
Join us in celebrating the spirit of Diwali 2013, where love, happiness, and respect illuminated our festivities
Multidots visiting Seva Cafe – The Joy of Giving
Experience the joy of giving as Multidots visits Seva Cafe, embracing the spirit of community and kindness
Fruit-Fun Festival Enjoyed by Dots Family
Celebrate wellness and joy with the Dots family at our lively Fruit-Fun Festival, packed with fruity delights
A Traditional and Heartened Welcome of New Dots at Multidots!
Experience the warmth and joy as we give a traditional welcome to our new Dots family members at Multidots
Social Face of Multidots – Old Age Home Visit
Discover the compassionate side of Multidots as we visit an old age home, spreading joy and connection in our community
FREE WordPress Upgrade at MULTIDOTS
Take advantage of our FREE WordPress upgrade at Multidots and elevate your site to new heights today